True Surrender

The Struggle of True Surrender

I used to think that surrendering meant simply standing still, doing nothing, and waiting for God to act. I believed that things would eventually change on their own, even if I chose not to engage with my circumstances. But over time, I realized that surrender goes much deeper than that.

I learned that surrendering to God isn’t about inaction; it’s about choosing to align with His will instead of following my own selfish desires. It’s about listening to His guidance, even when the negative voices in my head try to drown it out.

When faced with painful and unexpected situations, I always have two choices: I can rely on my own understanding, or I can choose to trust in God’s plan. True surrender means believing that His ways are higher than mine, even when I don’t fully understand. It’s about acknowledging that there are mysteries in life beyond my grasp, but still trusting that the best course is to obey Him.


And this is the hardest part of surrender. Trusting God doesn’t always make sense, especially when nothing seems to be changing for the better. But when I say, “I surrender my life to You, Lord,” I am reminding myself that I am not the ruler of my life—God is.

I still have the freedom to make decisions, but ultimately, God is waiting for me to recognize His will in my situation. He entrusts me with the opportunity to follow Him, even through the trials. When He calls me to surrender, it feels as though He’s gently asking, “My child, will you still follow my words and allow Me to move?”

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