
The Unexpected Moments In Life

There will always be unexpected moments in life
You will get tired
You will feel down
You will be disappointed
But despite the uncertainties that will happen
You can always rely on the love of God

You can rest in His arms
And gain some strength so that you can fight
Do not take your battle all alone
You can surrender it all to God
And let Him fight for you

When you surrender,
it simply means that you will stop worrying
You will let go of things that you can’t control
And you will allow God to take over

You are not meant to carry all of these things all along
Stop putting everything on your shoulders
You can cry out to God and share to Him your problems
He is listening to you
And He will never let you go

Believe with all your heart that God will help you
You can’t make it on your own
You need God
You need His love
So trust in His ways even more

Have faith and keep on raising your hands
Keep on praising His name
Because the more you worship Him,
The more you will feel victorious on the inside

Remember that Jesus already conquered everything
The enemy is already defeated
You are destined to experience victory

You are an extraordinary person
The God who is in you is powerful than you think
So do not lose hope
Stand up and do not give up

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