There are certain Lessons that will only Sink in when you go through Challenges
Life has its own way of teaching you valuable lessons. Sometimes, it takes pain and tears for you to completely comprehend them, but when that important lesson sinks in, that’s the time when transformation happens. So instead of running away from your situation, choose to face them with God. Depend on His strength, and you will victoriously overcome all the challenges in your life. Be patient when you face obstacles because there are blessings hidden behind what you go through.
You may not comprehend everything for now, but when you look back, you will realize that you need those situations in your life so that you will learn. God is after your complete transformation. He will dig down to your core until what’s left is Him. When that day happens, you will know how important He is in your life. You will also experience more of His love. Know that He can turn the most heartbreaking season of your life into a testimony that will bless weary souls.
Let God teach you the lessons you need to learn. The book that you read or the preaching that you watch and listen to is not enough. God is a very passionate teacher. He perfectly orchestrated certain events in your life to help you grow and become a better person. Most of the time, it’s so uncomfortable. You will visit new places or meet new people, but even if you don’t know what’s ahead, you need to remember His good intentions.
You are headed in the right direction as long as you acknowledge and carry the lessons that you learned along the way. Know that all the important lessons are part of the journey. And they will lead you to the blessings that He prepared. Just don’t follow your understanding. Sometimes, we fail to appreciate His ways because we choose to listen to our own voice. Focus on God and let Him direct you.
Be patient when you go through challenges. Do not focus on the difficult part. Instead, look unto God and remember what He is teaching you. Recall His promises and let them give you the strength and hope you need. Do not follow the mindset of this world. Do what is right in God’s eyes, and you will always be safe. Learn to endure and do it to glorify your Heavenly Father.
Keep your faith and know that He is greater than the difficulties you experience. Wait for Him to move. There may be moments when you badly want your situation to change, but God is changing you from the inside. You can’t see His hands moving around you because He is inside your heart. And whether you believe it or not, He is changing the way you see things. Know that He is making way for you.
One day, you will thank Him for the miracles you experienced during the most difficult season of your life. He will someday reveal to you the hidden blessings behind the challenges. When that day comes, you will be amazed because He is doing everything for your own benefit. He sees what’s ahead; that’s why He knew the perfect thing to do. He is just preparing you for the blessings that your mind can’t easily comprehend. Keep moving, and don’t give up. Take a rest, but don’t quit because everything is going to be worth it.