There Are Times When You Don’t Have To Find The Answer
We all have this season in our lives when we tend to ask deep questions based on the things that we’ve been going through. We have that strong urge to discover these mysteries for us to move on. But the truth is, there are specific questions in our lives that we can’t answer as of the moment. Instead of being stuck at the place where you are right now, try to take another step. You will learn the best response to your questions one day. You don’t have to stay there and search in the same place.
Stop wasting your time finding the answer. There is so much more in life. Move forward and experience new things. You need to go on. Maybe this is not yet the time for you to discover it. Perhaps it can never be found in your present. But it’s all in your future. Someday, when you look back on the things that are happening in your life, you will know the reason behind your life’s most profound mystery.
Sometimes, your present perspective is not that wide enough to accept the answer. That’s why you still need to experience a lot of things in life so that you will be able to comprehend the deeper things that you need to deal with. The answer might be too painful for you to handle right now, and you still need to build up the courage inside so that you will fully understand it. So be patient with yourself. Take your time to grow and do not be in a hurry. You will get there one day.
Take a new step every day. Face your future with excitement. Don’t allow yourself to be trapped with your situation right now. Let the questions sink in and keep it while you go through this life. One day, you will just be amazed because you will find yourself answering the questions that you once asked. And you will realize that some of the answers to your questions don’t really matter at all. Simply because you learn to accept the uncertainties in life, and you somehow manage to cope up.
Live it hanging as of the moment. And at the right time, life itself will reveal the answers. Never give up. Everything will make sense one day. You will not see the value of your experiences because you haven’t seen the bigger picture. But once you widen your perspective, you will realize that your life is such a beautiful masterpiece.