
There is Something great that God is Preparing for you after the Storm

There are a lot of things that God has been doing that are hard to comprehend. He did a lot of miraculous things that blessed your life and others. Some still kept you wondering up to this day. But one great thing that you should never take for granted is how He sustains you. He provided you with everything that you need. He may let difficult things happen, but He never leaves you behind. He never lost a battle. So remember that even before He allows you to go through difficult moments in your life, He has already won it for you.

Many times His ways are hard to understand. That is because you don’t see it the way that He does. But most things that He has been doing in your life aren’t happening because He wants you to understand them. But He wants you to trust Him in all those journeys. He just wants you to hold on to His promises and to depend more on Him. He wants you to realize that He can give you more than you have right now. The real treasures in this life are those that are unseen and can only be learned through Him. He understands that it will not be easy for you to hold on and keep that faith, especially when you are in a storm. He knows it will hurt you but He doesn’t forget His promises. You must believe that you are not alone.

Some storms in your life are worth going through because they could bring out the best in you to the point that you will also get surprised with yourself. It can help you discover yourself better. The storms in your life are not bad news at all. Just think of it as an opportunity for growth. A chance to depend more on God. You will then realize that you are surrounded by miracles from the start. Because sometimes, you will only appreciate the light once you go through the dark. That dark storm is not there to punish you. It is there because God wants you to realize that He is more important than what you are going through. The light that is with you cannot be seen without the dark. So, believe and trust in Him for whatever happens. He will always lead you to the path that He promised for you.

Something greater is waiting for you. So go through the storm and embrace that courage despite your fears. Don’t be afraid with your ‘what if’s.’ There are always a lot of possibilities, both negative and positive results in our actions. But more than that, God’s promises are more significant.

God believes in you and will never give you something you cannot handle. So just take and do what you can and let Him do the rest. Let Him do great things for you. See what He has been doing in your life and hold on to His promises. You may not be able to understand everything right now, but trust and believe in His ways. What He has been doing is all for your own good.