
Time is Not your Healer

Time doesn’t heal the wounds inside
If you think that you will forget the pain as time pass by
Then you need to face the truth that it will always stay
Even if it takes how many years

The pain will always be there
You may not see the person anymore
But the moment you remember what happened
The pain will come back
and it will slowly destroy your life

So instead of running away
from the things that break your heart
The best that you can do is to face it even if it’s hard
You can start by acknowledging your emotions
Admit that what happened before really breaks your heart
And then after that, surrender everything to God
Share to Him what you truly feel inside

Cry out to Him
and He will listen to you
His presence will comfort you
So do not hesitate to ask for some help
Time is not a healer
God will be the one to heal your wounded heart

Allow Him to come in
And He will make a lot of changes in your life
He will take away the bitterness that you feel
And He will replace it with His love
God will be your strength
You can make it

The healing process will never be easy
Because you have to face the painful truth
that you tried to ignore all this time
But even though it’s challenging
God will always be there to sustain you by His grace

So do not be afraid
If you wanted to set yourself free
Then you need to decide
You can carry everything on your own
or you can surrender the pain to God

He will just wait
Until you are ready to overcome
The painful past you experienced