Trusting God is not that Easy, but it’s the Best Thing that you can do
Trust is not that easy to give. It only exists because of consistency and deep relationship. It’s not something that you can find around the corner. It’s something that you can only give the moment you feel safe and loved. And the sad truth is, this world is broken. We will experience moments of pain that will lead us not to trust and love again. This is the reason why trusting other people or even God is not that easy. Believing that He will never fail us takes a lot of faith. We can’t help but doubt because we constantly go through difficulties and problems. We find it hard to imagine a life of peace and comfort simply because we are used to live in a challenging and demanding world. We need to work to survive. Sometimes, our situation appears too harsh. But even if you think that trusting God is so hard, you still need to do it. Simply because it’s the best solution to your problems.
God alone knows what’s ahead. He is aware of the necessary steps that you need to take in order for you to grow. You may not appreciate the journey for now, but you need to trust in His hands. Abide in His instructions even if you have so many questions. Surrender all your worries in His presence and allow Him to love you. Open your heart so that He can come in and change you from the inside out. God already planned everything, and you will receive what He prepared when you learn to let go of your doubts and disappointments. He will hold your hands. Don’t worry. God will let His light shine in your life. Just allow Him to do His thing and let Him take over.
Trust that God is good. The enemy may try to inject bad thoughts in your head, but God will take good care of you. He loves you enough to sacrifice His beloved child just to spend eternity with you. That’s how precious you are in His eyes. He will never abandon you. The situation that you face may appear heavy and impossible to conquer but trust that God is kind. He will never leave you behind. He will help you. Just give Him a chance to perform miracles. Have faith! Your life may appear like a mess, but soon God will bring you to the place that He prepared. He will surprise you with His wonderful blessings.
When life tries to push you down, then remind yourself that God is up for something great and big. He is not done with you yet. If you are still breathing, then it means that good things will still happen. The storm will be over. When the perfect time comes, you will see the light. So hold on weary soul. The Maker of this universe is with you. He never fails to give you the grace that you need. Keep pressing on. Trust Him even if it’s hard, and you will see the fruits of your sacrifices.

This is EXACTLY what I needed to read this morning. Thank you!
Nathaniel Myles
Amen, Amen, Amen! Praise God!💕🙏💕