Use the Circumstances around You to Grow and Flourish
Whether it is good or bad, bitter or sweet, joy or sadness, sickness or health, whatever season you are in, you always have the chance to grow and prosper. Everything that happened in your life has a purpose. Most of the time, you won’t appreciate them especially when you still feel the pain, but later on, you will realize the lessons behind those difficult moments. So don’t be disappointed if you go through so many problems because that means God is giving you the chance to learn more about Him. Your circumstances will push you to do the things you’ve never done before. It gives you the chance to step outside your comfort zone. So keep going and don’t treat your problems as your enemy. Allow them to guide you to the growth that God wants you to experience.
One day, you will get used to it. You will become so flexible with the different things that life will throw at you. You will look at them as part of the journey. And that will happen when you learn to trust and surrender. It may take some time for you reach that moment, but just be patient and continue learning. Take your time and don’t be in a hurry. Allow your mistakes to lead you the right perspective. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Accept the truth that you are still going through the process. It means that you are not perfect. You still have a lot of things that you need to learn and discover. Wait until God will teach you how to properly handle His great blessings.
It matters on how you look at the situation around you. Growth will only happen if you focus on the lessons and not on your failures. When you take everything that life throws at you as your tools to grow, then you will also spot the blessings behind all the negative situations you experienced. Change the way you perceive your problems. Just because you are struggling doesn’t mean you are on the wrong path. Sometimes, it’s an indication that you are about to experience so many breakthroughs in life. If you will only open your eyes to the things that God sees, then you will appreciate everything that comes your way.
God wants you to grow. He desires for you to experience more of Him. Don’t be easily frustrated if things don’t go according to your plans. It means that God is preparing a better path for you. Sometimes, you will go through the challenging roads, but keep your faith. Choose to flourish even in the wilderness. Let your devotion to God be stronger than the comfort and affection that you long to experienced. You may have a lot of questions in mind, but soon, God will silence them through His mysterious yet amazing love.