
Walk away from things that Slowly kills your Soul

Sometimes, bad things happen in our lives not because of the situation around us but because of our poor choices. Instead of walking away from things that caused us pain, we unknowingly choose the wrong path, thinking that it will lead us to the happiness we long to experience. But the sad truth is, we don’t know everything. We don’t know what will happen next, and God alone knows what’s ahead. So before things will get worst. Just choose to walk away from temptations, places, or people that will slowly kill your soul.

Find time to reconnect to God every single day so that you will be guided. His word is food for your soul. You can’t live by just sustaining your physical body. You need to nourish your soul because it will help you live the life that God prepared for you. You will fail to appreciate the blessings around you if your soul is dying. Build your relationship with God, and He will help you resist temptation. Here are the three common things that you need to avoid.

First, walk away from temptation. If you know that entering a specific door can potentially lead you away from God, then pray that He will give you the courage to walk away from that door. It may not be an easy thing to do, but you will have the eagerness to do what is right as long as God’s love is in your heart. He will remind you about the things that matter most, and He will fill your heart with His joy. In Him, you will be whole and satisfied.

Remember that the temporary pleasures of this world can never quench your soul. Only the love of God can take away the hunger in your heart. Come to Him, and you will be able to resist the negative thoughts that the devil wants you to believe in. God will replace them with His promises. He alone can save you from the fires of hell. So grow closer to Him and let your soul flourish in His presence.

Second, walk away from the things that will slowly kill the dreams that God planted in your heart. If you are in an environment that encourages you to reach the standards of this world and not the standards of God, then you need to walk away from it. Find a place where you will be reminded about your true identity in the Lord. He created you for a purpose, and you need to live in it because that’s how you will live this life to the fullest. If you are in a place where you feel so pressured and stressed because of the concerns of this world, then pray for God’s wisdom to fill your mind. He will lead you in the right direction. He will remind you who you truly are. He will encourage you to reach your dreams and live with your full potential. Remind your soul that God purposely created you for greater things.

Walk away from people who will lead you away from God. Find a community that will remind you about His goodness and love. Consider them as your safe place where you can share your deepest thoughts and pain. If you can’t do such a thing to your friends right now, then start praying to God that He will lead you to the right people who will inspire you to keep walking in His presence. Remember that your decisions in life will be greatly influenced by those around you. Whether you like it or not, the people in your surroundings can possibly help you grow or push you down. They can lead you to the right path, or they can break your heart. Allow God to teach you how to discern the right people who will help your soul, for they are blessings from Him. One day, He will lead you to the right community.