We Don’t Have to Earn God’s Love, We Simply Receive It
If you think that you need to do something just for God to love you, then it’s about time for you to realize that you don’t have to earn God’s love. You don’t have to do something for Him. He loves you even before you are created. And you can never change that fact. If you wanted to experience His love, then all you have to do is open your heart and receive it.
We live in a world where we need to earn everything. We need to go to work for us to make money. It’s very important to be consistent for us to earn trust. We can’t get anything without working hard on it. But not the love of God. Even if we keep on committing mistakes, still, His love will always stay. It will never change, and no one can separate us from His love, not even the enemy.
So if you are looking for someone to fill the empty space in your heart, then allow God to come in and let Him satisfy you. You don’t have to be perfect just for Him to love you. Believe it or not, God knows the worst version of you. He saw your character, pain, and even all the bad memories you’ve experienced. God witnessed everything. And despite those lapses and failures, we did in the past, God will still choose to love us until the end.
You don’t have to hide away from Him. He accepts you for who you are. And there’s nothing that you can do to make Him stop loving you. Your sins are not that powerful. God’s love is greater than your mistakes and fear. We don’t have to crucify ourselves on the cross just for us to be saved. Jesus already did it, once and for all. And what we can do is to simply let Him reign in our lives so that sin can no longer take over.
This is what His grace is all about. It’s accepting His love even if it feels like we don’t deserve it. God is good not because of the things that we did for Him, but because He simply loves us. He provided blessings for everyone simply because it’s His nature, and no one could ever change that. So stop striving and learn to receive what God has prepared for you all this time. You are loved, and He is just waiting for you to open your heart.