We Need To Let Go Of Our Excuses
The lazy man will not plow because of winter; He will beg during harvest and have nothing.
Proverbs 20: 4, NKJV
There are just days in life when we feel so tired, especially when doing certain work. We just want to rest and feel at ease, and unknowingly, we waste so much time doing unproductive activities. There’s nothing wrong with finding rest and taking a break, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you should just wait for things to happen on their own. Somehow, we need to let go of our excuses.
Lazy people would think of ways to avoid the hard stuff and just focus on things that would make them feel comfortable. They tend to complain more rather than be grateful. They focus on what’s wrong rather than maximizing the opportunities and blessings that God provided. They fail to plant and end up harvesting nothing.
This verse simply reminds us to start planting again. This may not be easy, especially when we go through storms and tragedies, but we won’t see any fruit if we don’t plant in the first place. Whatever it is that God wants you to start sowing, whether it be your skills, time, effort, or other resources, just keep in mind that He will help you reap a good harvest.
Don’t focus on your excuses. If you are tired, then rest. But after that, step up and start again. Do what God called you to do. If you are consumed by your fears, then ask the Holy Spirit for strength. If you are so caught up with worries, then let the word of God remind you to keep going. You have everything that you need. Now, plant the seeds and patiently wait for the harvest. Remember that you’ll gain nothing if you will just sit there and think of so many excuses.
Prayer: Father God, thank you for giving us the chance to experience your gift called ‘work.’ Thank you for reminding us to stand up again and do the work that You called us to do. It is a great privilege to be entrusted to plant seeds for Your Kingdom. We pray that you will teach us how to properly steward the things that you provided. Give us a heart that is passionate enough to work for your glory. This we ask and pray, in Jesus’ name, amen.