Self Development

What if life is not just about you?

You may think that you are living on your own, but the truth is God purposely created you to live with Him. You are here for Him. You exist because He loves you, and He wants to be with you. You may have your own plans and dreams, and you may have goals in mind that you badly want to achieve, but please don’t forget that before everything started in your life, God has already orchestrated a perfect path for you. He wants to mold you into a better person so that when His time comes, you will receive the fullness of the blessings that He prepared.

This life is not perfect. Maybe that’s the reason why you badly wanted to seek happiness. The situation you experienced pushed you to go through seasons that are so hard to bear. You find yourself trapped in your painful past. You want things to be better according to your own ways because you think that you are the only one who can save yourself. But the truth is, salvation is always at hand. You don’t have to fight for it. You just need to open your heart and receive the gift that God longs for you to embrace. Jesus already gave you a chance to experience heaven here on earth. The longing of your heart can be quenched in His presence. He alone can satisfy your thirst. You may think that you can find fulfillment just by reaching your own goals in life, but the truth is, the perfect love of God is the only thing that can make you feel whole. The sacrifice of Jesus on the cross is more than enough to make you feel loved and accepted.

Now, if Jesus is the answer to the missing puzzle, then this life isn’t just about satisfying the emptiness inside. But it’s about coming to the arms of God and allowing His perfect grace to saturate your heart. This life is about having an intimate relationship with your Maker. And His precious Son, Jesus Christ, alone can lead you to that kind of relationship. He will teach you what it means to love God and follow His commands. He will show you how to humbly obey and patiently abide in His ways, even in moments of suffering. Jesus will teach you how to love yourself. And when you receive the grace that He poured out on the cross, that’s the time when you will also realize that He is all you need.

This life isn’t just about finding your own joy and happiness. You are not here just to reach your goals and achieve the things that you think will satisfy your soul. Remember that you will never exist without God’s goodness and love. You are here because of Him. You are breathing simply because of His grace and love. This life isn’t just about you. But it’s about God. You are here to glorify and honor His name. And when you walk along His path, that’s when you will discover what it means to truly live.