His Word

What True Wealth Means

One person pretends to be rich, yet has nothing; another pretends to be poor, yet has great wealth.

Proverbs 13: 7, NIV

This world may treat material things as an indicator of wealth, but sometimes, a person may look rich physically but have nothing on the inside. They may pretend to have all the things they want, but deep down, their hearts say the exact opposite. On the other hand, there are people who pretend to be poor yet very rich on the inside. They are those who are very generous and enrich other people’s lives.

Sometimes, we tend to respect those who look wealthy and disregard those who appear poor. But we never really know the hearts of those people. That’s why this verse reminds us of what true wealth means. It’s not about the material things that you have or the things that you acquire that would make you rich. It’s about the blessings that you share with others.

This verse serves as a powerful reminder that true wealth is not measured by one’s possessions, but by their willingness to serve and help others. These individuals, often hidden in plain sight, live a life of profound generosity. Their wealth may not be apparent, as they may choose to appear modest or even destitute. However, their true wealth lies in the way they selflessly share their blessings, a testament to their inner richness.

As we continue to live in this world, may we learn to follow true wealthy people. May we stop focusing on the material things that we see on others. Instead, may we fix our eyes on what’s going on inside. Real wealthy people are those who choose to love and serve others. They are those who are always willing to uplift someone’s life by sacrificially helping those who are in need.

Prayer: Father God, thank you so much for reminding us what true wealth means. As we continue to journey with you, we pray that you will fill our hearts with love. So that we may overflow and share what we have to those who are broken. We pray for the courage to serve and bless other people. Please remind us to pursue eternal riches. Please teach us how to become more like you, Jesus. This we ask, in Jesus’ name we pray, amen.