When God Gives Instructions
While Peter was still thinking about the vision, the Spirit said to him, “Simon, three men are looking for you. So get up and go downstairs. Do not hesitate to go with them, for I have sent them.”
Acts 10:19-20, NIV
God instructed Cornelius to send men to Joppa. He didn’t really explain everything that would happen to him. Instead, He merely gave him a simple instruction. Without a doubt, Cornelius followed what the Lord said. And true enough when his men went to Peter. God already instructed him to welcome and go with them. He already prepared everything ahead.
Indeed, it was the Lord who spoke to Cornelius simply because everything that he said was confirmed by the Holy Spirit. In the same way, Peter also received instructions from the Lord. It wasn’t a mistake or merely a human discernment. Instead, it was God’s intervention. He really spoke to Peter and Cornelius, bearing a message that wasn’t contradicting or misleading.
This verse is like a beautiful reminder for all of us. Whenever God would give us instructions, he will certainly prepare the way just like how he prepared and informed Peter about what to do next. His instructions were so clear. Sometimes, we tend to doubt in His leading because we wanted more explanations rather than trusting Him. When God would give us a simple instruction, we somehow ask for more details, rather than obeying it.
May this verse encourage us to do His will. We may not know what’s ahead, but let’s keep our faith that God already prepared everything that we need to fulfill what He instructed us to do. His Spirit will be there to assist us all along the way. Obeying Him may be difficult, but God’s grace is always there to strengthen and remind us to do the right thing.
Prayer: Father God, thank you so much for giving us the chance to follow you. We pray for a heart that’s willing to trust and obey your will. We pray for the kind of heart that is willing to depend on your words. When our fears try to consume our thoughts, please remind us about your grace and faithfulness. Father, we pray that you will reign in our lives, now and forever. In Jesus’ Name, amen.