When God shows you just a Small Piece of the Whole Puzzle
God’s ways are always mysterious. Most of the time, He will just show you the next step instead of the whole staircase. And it’s up to you if you will continue to walk or not. God’s plans are too great that we can’t simply comprehend them in one setting. That’s why He needs to take us to the process so that we can fully embrace the purpose that He planted in our hearts. If you are still trying to figure out the things that you want to do for Him, then keep this in mind – obey Him even if He only showed you just a small piece of the whole puzzle. Maybe God purposely hides the beauty of His masterpiece because He wants you to learn how to trust and have faith in Him. It takes time and a lot of patience. But if you just keep on listening to His voice, then the time will come when you will fully discover what God called you for.
Work on your faith. Life is not about knowing everything. Sometimes, you just need to have the right perspective so that you can see things the way God sees them. You need to look at your situation according to God’s love. He wanted your faith to grow. And it means that He will let you walk on an unknown journey. Sometimes, He will purposely lead you to some delays and redirection, but it’s not about knowing where your exact destination is. It’s about trusting God despite uncertainties. Learn to hold His hands and abide in His ways. Only then will you discover what it truly means to have faith in Him.
Be faithful to the little things that God gave. Most of the time, He will just show you what’s the next thing to do, even without explaining where you are heading. And in those moments, just learn to take good care of the resources that you have. He won’t give you the big things if you don’t even know how to handle the small blessings. So treasure what God gave and use them for His glory. You may think that it’s nothing compared to what others have received, but it’s not about the number of blessings that you have. It’s about how you faithfully steward them. Learn the basic lessons because it’s very important. They may appear simple, but they can be your strongest foundation as you figure out your purpose in life.
Follow Him even if you can’t understand His plans yet. There may be times when you feel scared because you can’t see what’s ahead, but trust God and surrender all your fears in His presence. He will reveal the whole puzzle when the perfect time comes. Patiently wait for His hands to move, and don’t be so intimidated by what other people experience. Focus on your journey with Him, and you will learn to appreciate the moments that you spent together.

One Comment
It is very hars to understand evwrything. As I get to travel, I get to see so many coincidence. Later, I realize, these coincidences are like little puzzles that God wants me to see and put my trust into. Later, I get to see these small puzzles combine and turn into a big view of the whole puzzle. God’s ways are too mysterious, and all I need to do is to trust God, and these puzzles will build my foundation. I just learned not to be intimidated by others, but rather focus on my journey with Him, my God and I will learn to appreciate it the moments we’ve spent together. Even though I am afraid of the future, I will try to trust and follow God to lead me to the next puzzle of purpose of embracing what God planted in my heart AMEN💙.