• Faith

    The Truth will set you Free

    If you feel like you are in a bondage of sin and you can’t find your way out, then keep in mind that God’s truth can set you free. There is still hope. The darkness around you will fade, and soon, you will walk in the light again. So don’t be discouraged. Jesus will set you free from the chains that bind you from doing His will. All you need to do is believe and have faith in His words. You need to live according to His truth. This may not be an easy thing to do, but you need to stop relying on your own understanding. God knows everything.…

  • His Word

    Romans 2:13, NIV

    For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God’s sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous. Romans 2: 13, NIV It is not just about hearing and knowing what is written in the law of God. Those who choose to obey will be declared righteous. You need to put everything that you learned into action. God sees you as righteous if you will obey Him even in seasons when you are in pain or having a hard time. Do it not to honor others or even yourself but do what’s right to glorify God in your life. Remember…

  • His Word

    John 15:14, NIV

    You are my friends if you do what I command. John 15:14, NIV Jesus treats those who obey Him as friends. It means that they can gain access and connections that mere servants can’t receive. They can’t experience great things that a simple follower can’t experience. Having a friend like Jesus is always amazing. Imagine, the Creator and Savior of this world shared some revelations that others can’t receive. And that will only happen if you will obey. It’s challenging, especially when He asks you to do things that don’t make sense at first. But if you only follow His commands, you will realize at the end that God wants…

  • Self Development

    Obeying the commands of God is like telling “I Love You Too” to Him

    God gave us certain commands because He wants to protect and lead us to the future that He prepared. He loves us so much that He gave us instructions and guidelines about how to live this life according to His will. He alone knows what’s ahead. He is aware of the things that are waiting for us. God knows what we need to prepare for us to victoriously fight the battles in the future. There are just times when we can’t understand the reason behind all His commands. In our eyes, it seems so meaningless. We would often ask Him why we need to go through certain pain. We sometimes…

  • Faith

    When God shows you just a Small Piece of the Whole Puzzle

    God’s ways are always mysterious. Most of the time, He will just show you the next step instead of the whole staircase. And it’s up to you if you will continue to walk or not. God’s plans are too great that we can’t simply comprehend them in one setting. That’s why He needs to take us to the process so that we can fully embrace the purpose that He planted in our hearts. If you are still trying to figure out the things that you want to do for Him, then keep this in mind – obey Him even if He only showed you just a small piece of the…

  • His Word

    Day 347 -Luke 11:28

    He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.” Luke 11:28, NIV The word of God exists not just to strengthen and comfort us, but it can also lead us to the path that He created. It means nothing if we will just keep it inside. We are meant to obey and apply them in our lives. There may be times when we find it challenging to follow Him, but keep in mind that He knows what’s best for us. Let’s focus on His will and not on our own desires. Things may not always be that perfect, but God’s word is always there…

  • His Word

    Day 420 – Luke 8:21

    He replied, “My mother and brothers are those who hear God’s word and put it into practice.” Luke 8: 21, NIV Jesus treats those who obey the word of God as His closest companion. You may think that you are close to His heart, but the real people who have an intimate relationship with Him are those who follow His words. They bear lasting fruits that bless not just their lives but also those who are hurting and broken. So don’t just listen to His words and do nothing. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you the strength to keep following Him even in seasons when you can’t understand what’s…

  • His Word

    Day 414 – Luke 6:46

    “Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say? Luke 6:46, NIV Sometimes, we only know God’s name, but we never really know what it means to follow Him. Calling Him “Lord” means that we acknowledge His sovereignty in our lives. His authority will give us the motivation to do what is right. If we truly honor His name, it means that we choose to obey His words and follow Him even in the midst of struggles and pain. If we make Him the ruler of our lives, we also put His will above our plans and desires. Let’s not take our faith lightly. Walking…

  • His Word

    Day 232 – James 1:22

    Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. James 1:22, niv It takes an obedient heart to experience more of God’s love. Change won’t happen if you just listen and read the word of God. You need to put His instructions into action. Yes, it’s not easy, and sometimes, you need to step outside your comfort zone, but the more you try new things, the more you will grow in His presence. Pray that God will give you the courage and motivation to apply what you learned. Ask Him to open your eyes so that you will appreciate the opportunities that He gave…

  • His Word

    Day 28 – 1 John 5:2

    This is how we know that we love the children of God: by loving God and carrying out His commands. 1 John 5:2, NIV Choose to love the people of God. Serve with them with all your heart and stop asking for something in return. Follow His will, and you will always be guided. God will never allow you to do the things that will just destroy you in the end. Behind His instructions are blessings that you can never contain. So choose to obey Him even in moments when you can’t understand what’s going on. Trust in His great love for you. Just open your heart so that he…