
When God Trusts you enough to testify His Goodness Despite your Circumstances

There are events in your life that will lead you to ask so many questions to God. If He healed others, then why can’t I receive my own miracle? If He saved someone from their problems, then why can’t I escape this tragedy I am in? You are left with nothing but questions that will lead you to doubt your faith. All you see are just the obstacles in front of you. Things got worse because you chose to treat yourself as a victim instead of a victor.

Yes, you are facing a terrible situation right now, but what if God purposely allowed you to go through that pain because He trusts you enough to carry one of the amazing testimonies that only selected believers can bear? What if the burden you feel will give you a chance to glorify the name of God even through your darkest moments? He knows that you can do it. Your testimony will soon give hope to those who are too weak to stand above their circumstances.

God’s ways are somehow mysterious. Many times, He will ask you to do things outside your understanding. You can’t help but wonder about the purpose behind the tears that keep on flowing. You will try to compare your life to what others experienced. But even though you can’t comprehend the path that you are taking, it doesn’t mean that God no longer cares for you. He is working. It’s just He moves in ways you can’t easily appreciate. Your mind is too limited to easily see what’s going on in the spiritual realm. Your eyes are closed. That’s why, instead of asking Him to change your situation. Choose to keep your faith. Every effort will never be wasted.

God is true to His promises. He wants you to experience the best things in life as much as you long for them. He is so eager to give you the Kingdom. It’s just there are still certain processes that you need to go through. He wants to use you in a unique way. If you feel unequipped for the things that He asked you to do, then remember that God is perfect. He never commits mistakes. Everything that He allowed you to experience is part of His great plans. Hold on a little longer. Keep going, even if it hurts. Choose to honor His name even if your heart is breaking, and only then will you experience more of His presence. Things will soon make sense. God is still shaping your story into something that will bless those who are broken.

When you feel weak and unworthy, just remember the grace of God. Sometimes, He chooses people who are not capable in the eyes of this world. You may only see your weaknesses right now, but it’s the perfect time for you to rely on God and receive His strength. God purposely entrusted you with that testimony because He is determined enough to work in your life. You just have to allow Him to move.


  • Jannah Castillon

    Thank you for inspiring us to move forward with Gods word. Bless you! And keep on inspiring others.

  • Jesil

    Yes! This is what i need to hear today. Thank you Lord for bringing this message to me right now. God is truly amazing and faithful to His promises. I have been in confusions right now, problems attacked me but by the grace of God i am still standing, praising Him in my storm and thanking Him for not leaving me behind and guiding me to the right path. I know i will be a living testimony for His goodness and miracles that God brings into my life. God is true, and He is the Alpha and the Omega.