When I Learned To Surrender
I was once an overthinker. I easily freak out when unexpected things happen and immediately think of the worst-case scenario. I was not comfortable with change. I just wanted everything to stay the same—to be in the same environment with the same people. I usually withdraw from opportunities that would challenge me to step outside my comfort zone. I tried my best to stay in a place where I could control everything.
But then, when I decided to follow Jesus, my life changed. I realized it’s impossible to walk with Him without a surrendered heart. He can’t reign if I still wanted to rule my life. It takes humility and a lot of pain to finally learn to let go of my own will and plans.
It takes dying on the inside. It was not easy. But so far, my journey with Him has been the most fulfilling adventure I have ever had. He brought me to uncomfortable places, often asking me to try new things. He believed in me when I couldn’t even see anything good in my heart. Jesus taught me how to surrender.
I learned it by allowing Him to walk with me throughout the process. Before, I never really knew what surrender meant. I thought that it was just a prayer that I needed to utter. But later, I realized that it’s more than that.
When you surrender, you are simply bringing the things that you deeply desire into His presence and humbly allowing His will to take over. It’s about reminding yourself that God is so much greater than the things that you asked for. His love is more precious than what you desire, and His plans are bigger than what you have.
Even though your heart is crying out for something you thought you needed, when you surrender, you simply remind yourself that God knows your deepest desire. And He is aware of the things that could satisfy your heart.
For me, having a surrendered heart means that I fully submit to the will of God in my life, even if it takes pain, even if I don’t understand everything. I simply remind myself that I am no longer the lord of my life and I need God to take over.