When it becomes too Painful to Dream Again
Rejection is real. Failures will be there. You will get discouraged. But it doesn’t mean your goals will also end. The pain may not be easy to bear, but you need to keep moving. Take your time to grieve for the things, opportunities, or people you have lost. Cry it out to God. Surrender all the wounds to Him, and after that, make a conscious effort to connect to His heart. Only then will you realize the wonderful grace that He poured out in your life. Hold His hands, and don’t ever let go. Maybe you’ve been hurt before because God is not in the picture. You chose to make your own plans. You plot your own schedules. And you create your own life, thinking that you know what’s best for you. But you need to acknowledge that God is your creator. He alone knows what’s ahead. That’s why you need to consult and ask for His help.
Don’t be afraid to dream again. You may feel scared because of the pain and rejection that you might experience but don’t allow the negative things that happened in your life to hinder you from living in the promises of God. Don’t focus on what’s wrong. Instead, try to figure out the lessons behind every failure and pain. Discover the things that God wants you to learn and apply. Ask for His wisdom so that He may open your eyes to the truth that you fail to appreciate. Let His love give you the strength that you need. Be consumed by His grace, and you will have the courage to dream again. Remember His goodness, and you will be motivated.
Allow God to heal you. Let Him come in and do some surgery inside. The process won’t be easy because there will be moments when God will take you back to the scene where you’ve been wounded. You will cry, and you will feel the pain again, but the only difference is you will experience everything in the presence of God. You will be sensitive to His love and comfort. You will receive His peace, and He will slowly teach you how to let go and move on. You just need to trust the process. You won’t always understand everything that He is doing, but rest assured that His unfailing grace will be there. He will renew your heart and make it whole again. That’s when you will be inspired to pursue the dreams that God planted.
Remember that you are created for a purpose. You are not a garbage or a failure. You are God’s treasure. He personally molded you. He desires great things for you. So take heart and be courageous enough to dream again. Be excited for the future blessings that He will pour out in your life. Wait with so much anticipation. God will never fail you. His dreams for you are big. And you can only figure them out the moment you trust in His love despite the pain and discouragement that you experienced.