When Things Aren’t Easy
The whole city was aroused, and the people came running from all directions. Seizing Paul, they dragged him from the temple, and immediately the gates were shut. While they were trying to kill him, news reached the commander of the Roman troops that the whole city of Jerusalem was in an uproar.
Acts 21: 30-31, NIV
Paul went to Jerusalem, and people wanted to kill him. But before he arrived there, the Holy Spirit already warned him about the suffering that he would experience. He knew what was waiting for him. But despite all these threats, Paul accepted the truth that things won’t be easy. He embraced his situation and continued to do God’s will.
In this verse, we can observe Paul’s pain while he was in Jerusalem. It seems like the Jews don’t like him. They treated him as an outcast. Imagine the kind of life that Paul had. Before he encountered Jesus, he was one of those Jews who also persecuted Christians, and in this part of the scripture, it seems like Paul already understand what it feels like to suffer for Him.
Many of us would think that when we follow Christ, we will have a comfortable and smooth life. But that’s not what Paul experienced. In fact, he went through so many persecutions, pain and suffering. He carried his cross and chose to journey with Jesus. It was a difficult life, but still, through the help of the Holy Spirit, he received peace and strength all throughout the journey.
Paul managed to finish the race despite all the challenges. So, if you feel like you are going through seasons of suffering right now, then you are not alone. Paul, and the other disciples also went through pain the moment they followed Jesus yet they kept going.
They didn’t stop serving God. Instead, their fire kept on burning. They did what was pleasing in the eyes of God, and they stayed with Him even when their hearts were breaking. May we also do the same thing.
Prayer: Father God, thank you so much for reminding me to persevere. Thank you for giving me the chance to learn more about your grace, especially in moments of suffering. Please give me faith like Paul, who’s willing to stay even in seasons of pain. Give me the strength to hold on to your words and to abide in your instructions. Lead me to your light and love, my Lord, so that I may always choose to honor your name above all. This I ask, and pray, in Jesus’ name, amen.