When You Can’t Understand The Season That You Are In
There are days when you can’t understand what’s happening. Your situation is exactly the opposite of what you planned for. The things that are happening don’t make sense. You can’t point out why you must go through certain seasons that left you wounded and broken. The journey seems so long and exhausting. You may find it hard to find peace and rest, but know that it’s part of the process. It may not be easy to accept this truth, but one day, you will understand why God allowed you to go through this season.
For now, don’t focus on finding answers to your never-ending questions. You can’t understand the lessons if you don’t know how the story will end. You need the background as well as the conclusion for you to gather the missing pieces and make it whole. That’s why be patient. Maybe it’s not yet time to discover the reasons behind your suffering. Somehow, you must be humble enough to accept God’s truth and wisdom. You must learn to abide in Him even if you can’t understand what’s happening. Maybe God knows that the answers are not what you truly need.
What if God will only provide you the strength and the faith you need? Will you receive it? Will you believe that His grace is more than enough to sustain you? The difficult season you are in serves as an opportunity to activate your faith. You can take it as a blessing or a curse. You can focus on God’s promises or look at the negative things you experienced. The way you perceive things is all up to you. Remember that you have the freedom to choose. You can look at your situation the way God wants you to see it, or you can rely on your own understanding and just allow fear to come in.
Don’t worry. One day, you will discover the answer. But for now, the best you can do is allow His strength to consume your weary soul. Receive His peace that surpasses all understanding. Just let Him move and let go of the things you can’t control. Perhaps this is the perfect time for you to rest in His love. Stay in His arms and allow His promises to remind you about the future that He prepared. You may find it hard to comprehend His plans, but He is a God who works in mysterious ways. He is unpredictable. You can never fathom His wisdom. So, keep your faith even if you can’t hear His answers.
Header Image Credit: Photo by Sven Pieren on Unsplash