When You Just Feel So Disconnected From The World You Live In
Have you ever experienced that moment in your life when you just can’t connect to the people around you? You don’t know how to react, or you just can’t find the words you wanted to say. You remained so silent, and you would rather live life on your own and stop building relationships with others. There is emptiness in your heart, and you feel so numb inside. Have you ever felt so exhausted to the point that you no longer give your all because you are too tired to do it? The feeling of being disconnected may be so hard for you to handle, but you need to remember this.
You are not alone in this season. The problems around you may feel so overwhelming to the point that you are already hurting, but keep in mind that what you feel will never last. Maybe you are just blinded by your emotions. But the truth is, God is with you in this season. You may find it hard to connect to Him because you feel so lost inside. But remember that He will never abandon you. His love will always be there to carry you through. He is patient enough to help you. So keep your faith and do not give up.
Take your time to process everything. You may not understand what’s happening. But don’t be in a hurry. Give yourself the chance to reflect on things that you are going through. Feel your emotions and never condemn yourself for having that kind of feeling. Remember that you are just human, and you are not perfect. Try to be patient with yourself and accept the truth that there are really things in life that you can’t instantly change. So while you are still in that season, try your best to love yourself.
Don’t punish yourself if you can’t keep up and do the things that you used to do. God is teaching you something important right now. Just pray and allow Him to guide you. Surrender all your expectations to God. Sometimes, we fail to accept our situation because of our own expectations. So instead of putting yourself down, just listen to the still small voice in your heart that says, “you can make it.” Trust that God will heal you, and His love will give you enough courage to overcome your struggles. He will restore you, and one day, you will finally learn to connect to the people around you.

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