When You Learn To Finally Say Goodbye
Not all “goodbye’s” are sad. To some, it means a leap of hope and courage. Other people may say that it’s painful, but we need to learn how to let things go. It’s not an easy thing to do, but it’s the only way to move on. Life may not be the same again, but we need to trust God’s plans more than we rely on our own feelings. It’s okay to feel sad. After all, we are just human. But don’t let the sadness consume you because it will transform you into a different person. Acknowledge what you feel and allow God to teach you how to give up the things you can no longer carry. This season will end, and you always have the choice to take the next step or not. But I pray that God will give you the strength to move forward.
Learn to say goodbye to your past. It will never come back. No matter how much you try to bring back the life you used to have, you will always reach that point when you realize that it will never happen again. You feel so sad because you think that you can never experience the same feelings but believe that God’s plans are way much better than what you have in mind. There’s life out there that’s waiting for you. You can never treasure the blessings of God because your eyes are still looking at the past. Focus on what’s in front of you, and you will see a lot of opportunities to grow. Do not limit your future according to what you have in mind. Allow God to change your perspective and learn to let go.
Say goodbye to those people who are not really meant to stay in your life. Maybe God purposely allowed you to meet them because He wants you to learn something important, but that doesn’t mean God wants to hurt you. Those people will always be part of who you are. Treasure the memories you have with them and focus on the current relationships that you have. You will still meet many people along the way, and you will fail to treasure them if you can’t let go of those people in your past.
Everything will change but not the love of God. You will say goodbye to some things, but you can never say it to God. Because in the first place, there is no such thing as goodbye in His arms. God will always be there for you. He will stay no matter what happens. So do not be afraid of the changes in your life. Remember that God loves you so much, and His love will give you enough strength to say “Goodbye” to the things that are meant to change.

Eseta Ulberg
Thank You
Wachimvya Nambao
Thank you so much for the message
Wachimvya Nambao
Thank you so much ❤️
Thank you💖 it really inspired me.