When you think Negative Things about Yourself
“I am not worthy. I am a failure. I am a loser. I am not beautiful. I am not smart. I’m so dumb. I’m not enough.” These are just some of the negative thoughts that a person declares to herself. We all go through this season when it seems like we can’t trust ourselves. And it’s not because of what happens around us, but it’s because of the things that are hidden within. What we are doing is like self-ambush. We slowly kill our joy and live in misery. If we don’t stop putting ourselves down, then we can’t help but die on the inside.
Your thoughts are more powerful than you think. They can either make or break you. When you think of negative things, you will slowly feel weak and powerless. Sometimes, you are not aware of this. That’s why it’s very important to consistently evaluate what’s going on in your mind. Do not be passive about this. Be intentional and do something.
There are so many negative consequences if you always think bad about yourself. First, you can’t appreciate the good things around you. Every time you encounter problems, you can’t help but worry because you think there’s no hope left, and you can’t do anything about it. Instead of facing them, you would find ways to avoid your responsibilities because you think that you are too weak to overcome them. Second, your behavior will change, and it will affect your life. If you don’t have the confidence to trust and believe in what God gave you, then you can’t help but make decisions that are not aligned with Him. You’ll feel so anxious, and you’ll stay hidden in the darkness. And third, you’ll never see your strengths. You will fail to use your God-given talents and wisdom because you believe that you are not good enough.
You need to remember who you are in the eyes of God. You are fearfully and wonderfully created by your loving Father. Jesus saved you from hell. It means He loves you so much, and He can’t bear to see you suffer. God gave you enough blessings because you are His child, and He wants to take good care of you. The Holy Spirit is always there to guide you. His presence can make you feel loved and protected. His grace is there to sustain you. That’s how important you are in His eyes.
You need to believe that you are accepted and treasured by God because that’s how you’ll learn to also love yourself. Open your heart and receive His love, and only then will you feel whole. God is the one who can change your thoughts.
If you want to be completely transformed and stop doubting yourself, you need to learn how to listen and acknowledge the power of God. Stop relying on your own knowledge and wisdom. Accept the truth that you don’t know everything. Ask for God’s help and grow closer to His arms. Spend more time with Him and fill your mind with His words. Only then will you remember your true identity. Put Him first, and the Holy Spirit will speak to you every single day. He is the one who will motivate you to think of heavenly perspectives. He will guide you to the right mindset.