You and God are Partners
God gave you the freedom to choose. That’s why your relationship with Him will not work if you fail to follow His ways. Remember that you and God are partners. Yes, He is your King and the Lord of your life. But God gave you the chance to do certain things on your own. You need to use that freedom for His glory and not for your own benefit. Treating Him as your partner means that you will not make plans without His guidance. It means that you will consider His will in everything that you do, not just in moments when things are already falling apart.
You need to abide in His ways even if there are times when you can’t understand Him. A partnership is formed when there is mutual trust and transparency. So keep your faith in Him and be honest. Do not just treat Him as part of your life but let Him be the reason why you do what you do. Let Him be the source of your everything. And your relationship with Him will grow deeper and stronger as the years go by.
Acknowledge God’s instructions. Listen to His voice because He knows what’s best for you. Sometimes, it takes a courageous heart for you to follow His will, but you can trust Him. He will never ask you to do something without a purpose. Behind His instructions are great blessings that He wants you to receive. So don’t just come to Him when you feel like your world is falling apart. Put Him first.
If you treat Him as your partner, then you will consider His ways and not just rely on your own understanding. Read His word, and there you will figure out the things that you need to do. He is always guiding you. It’s just sometimes, you can’t feel His presence because you fail to open your bible. Remember that it’s where you can find wisdom. So start your day by acknowledging His presence. Stay connected to Him, and let His words consume your thoughts.
You need to abide in His ways. You may not always understand how He does things, but trust in His love and great power. Choose to listen to Him and not to the lies of the enemy. Walking with God may not always be a happy journey, but it’s perfect. The trials that you will face along the way will make you even stronger. The path that you will take may be challenging, but your relationship with Him will grow as long as you stay by His side.
You will never feel alone in His presence. In Him, you will find rest, and you will receive the assurance that you need. He is the best partner you could ever have simply because He understands you from the inside out. And you don’t have to explain everything to Him because He knows what’s in your heart. Treating Him as your partner doesn’t mean that you and God are equal. It simply means that you choose to walk with Him along the journey.
Delight in Him and enjoy His presence. Remember that you are also His precious child. As a Father, He also wants you to receive His blessings. You are surrounded by so many resources. And all you have to do is listen to God so that you will know how to maximize them. Work with Him, and do not just rely on your own strength. Depend on His love and do your part. Keep following His ways and cherish the good things that He gave you. Do not focus on the negative things that you experienced. Just remember that God is always there to pick you up and give you enough strength. His grace will sustain you until the end. So treat Him as your partner, and your life will change for the better.