You Are Created To Fly
Someone said to me,
Do not crawl,
Do not stay on the ground
You are not meant to live there
You are created to fly
You have wings, and you need to use it
Don’t just stay there and do nothing,
Do your best to learn how to fly
Extend your wings every day and try
Allow yourself to fall to the ground
So that you will find the courage to fly again up high
Jump to the pit of fear
And you’ll be left with no other choice
But to spread your wings and live
Don’t look at the things around you
Lift up your head and look at the birds as they fly
That is where you are supposed to be
You are created to ride on the winds
You are created to fly above the storms
That’s who you are
God designed you for victory
He wants you to succeed
And He will teach you how
You just have to believe first
That you are created for something great
As long as God is with you
You can do anything
If God is on your side
You can overcome everything
So from now on
Imagine yourself as if you are flying
Because you will be
One day
You will soar up above the sky
You will see things in a bigger picture
You have so much potential in you
God didn’t create you for nothing
You are priceless
You are Gold
You are His precious child
His beloved