You are meant to Experience the Kind of Love that Never Fails
The love that other people can give will never satisfy you. Yes, it will make you happy for a moment, but it will never last. Only the unfailing love of God can satisfy the thirst you have inside. He alone can make you feel whole and complete. If you are looking for someone who can help you mend your broken heart, then don’t just rely on imperfect humans. Because whether you like it or not, they will eventually disappoint you. Choose to focus on God, and He will exceed your expectations. He will stay faithful to you, and He will love you from the inside out. Just open your heart and let Him come in. His love will take away all your worries and fears.
Do not depend on mere humans. Sometimes when you feel so lonely, you tend to ask for other people to comfort and love you. But always remember that you can call on God and let His love fill the emptiness in your heart. People are not perfect. Accept the truth that we are all broken. And nobody can fill the thirst inside except God. So rely on Him and stop expecting other people to complete you. Build your relationship with God and choose to grow in His presence. In Him, you will never feel lost and empty because He will always give you hope. His promises will give you the assurance that you need.
Receive God’s love. It’s not something that you should earn. You don’t have to make sacrifices just for you to be filled. Just open your heart and allow Him to reign. Humble yourself and acknowledge the truth that you need Him in your life. Let Him embrace and comfort you. He is your Father, and He always treats you as His beloved child. He is the one who can heal your wounded heart. So rely on Him and choose to live according to His will. Only then will you experience the kind of love that never fails.
Perfect love exists. Maybe you think that you are just meant to experience pain. But the truth is God destined you to experience more of Him. He will turn your wounds into a blessing. He will never stop loving you until you realize that He is all you need. Do not give up. This world may be broken, but God already saved you through His son Jesus Christ. What He did on the cross will make you realize that you are deeply treasured by Him.