You are Surrounded by Unseen Resources that are Valuable than the Riches of this World
You are a very rich person not because of the earthly treasures that you have but because of the unseen resources around you. If you just open the eyes of your heart, you will realize that you are surrounded by very priceless treasures, and it’s your time, your strength, and the ability to focus on things. These are the things that people tend to waste, not knowing that they can never take it back when they grow older. So while you still have enough of these unseen resources, pray that God will teach you how to properly steward them.
Allow Him to reveal to you its importance and real value. Sometimes, you will miss those things, especially when you are too focused on the temporary riches of this world. You will only realize how much you have lost the moment you look back and see the things that happened in your life. Don’t wait for that day to happen. Know that you can still change things as long as you are still breathing. There is still hope in life. Wake up and use the priceless resources around you.
First, maximize your time for things that will make you grow in the Lord. Remember that you can’t bring back the times you have lost, but you can still make changes in your life right now. Focus on what will help you grow into a better person. Don’t waste your time on things that will just fill your mind with negative thoughts, such as scrolling through your social media feed or watching videos that will trigger your emotions. Go outside or visit websites that will help you develop yourself and remind you who God is. Read your Bible and spend more time with people who will lead you to God’s heart. Sometimes, it takes discipline to do it. It’s not an easy thing to start, especially when you spend your day without following any schedule. But if you will just persevere and try your best, you will be able to properly steward your time in such a meaningful way. And when you see yourself growing in the Lord, you will realize that all the days you spend here on earth are never wasted.
Second, use your strength to glorify God. Know that there are things in life that you can’t do when you grow older. So while you still have the strength inside of you, use them to serve others. You are surrounded by people who are in need. Find time to show them who God is through your actions. If you are still young, then do not limit yourself. This is the season when you need to give all your strength while you still have it. Seek Him, and you will know when to properly use it for His glory. Everything that you do for God will never be wasted. They are like seeds you plant, and He will make them grow. When the time is right, you will witness the harvest season, and that day is going to be victorious because it’s when you realize that all your efforts and sweat are worth it. Your acts of service became a powerful force that pushed somebody to serve others, just like what you did to them. It’s going to produce a ripple effect.
And lastly, set your focus on things that will give you priceless treasures. While you can still fix your mind in doing something, then use that ability to gather valuable things you can bring with you until eternity. When you grow older, your mental capacity will slowly deteriorate, so while you can still focus on doing a certain activity, then ask God to teach you how to properly use it for the expansion of His Kingdom. He will reveal to you the things that His people need, and He will give you the wisdom on how to make use of His blessings so that you will be able to share them with others. Sometimes, His ways will not make sense at first, but as long as you set your eyes in doing His will, you will always experience more of Him.

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Nathaniel Myles