Self Development

You can never find a Heart that is the Same as Yours

People can never give back the same love that you give to them. We express ourselves in different ways. We all have unique love languages, so never expect someone to have the same heart as yours. Instead of putting such high standards on others, choose to be patient with them. Look unto God because He alone can give you the kind of love that will satisfy your heart. When you share love with others, please do not expect something in return. Sometimes, when we are broken inside, we tend to treat other people as healers. We want them to make our lives complete and never hurt us at all. But the truth is, only God can do that. An imperfect person can never offer you the kind of love that will heal your heart.

Stop expecting other people to quench the thirst inside. Let God be your ultimate source of love. Treat Him as your King, and you will learn to serve others without expecting something in return. May you choose to love not because of the good things that others did to you but because God loved you with all His heart. May you encounter Him in your life and feel overwhelmed with His goodness because He alone can teach you how to share His love to those who are broken and wounded. Remember that He is powerful. He will never run dry, so when you feel so thirsty and weak, just come to Him, and He will fill you up.        

Be more understanding. Not all people know how to express themselves. Some of them find it hard to even accept their imperfections. So be patient and manage your expectations. Align your desires to God, and He will change the way you perceive things. He will teach you how to genuinely care for other people. In Him, you will experience transformations and miracles. His love will lead you to offer happy sacrifices that will not only benefit yourself but also the people around you. So stay with Him, and you will know how to love others. 

Allow God to cleanse the impurities in your heart. Sometimes, you find it hard to love other people because they didn’t meet your expectations. You have your own agenda, and you want them to fulfill it. But sad to say, that’s not what love is all about. Love is genuinely treating others with kindness and compassion without asking them something in return. It’s about accepting others despite all their failures and imperfections.