Self Development

You Can Only Understand The Lessons If You Will Learn To Accept Your Mistakes

Behind every failure you encounter in life is an important lesson. But sad to say, we fail to learn the lesson because we deny our own mistakes. We tend to put the blame on other people and our surroundings. We find it hard to accept our own fault, and it will never allow us to learn from our failures. Our experiences can teach us many things in life, but those lessons can only be revealed when we became responsible for our choices. It’s not an easy thing to do. Truth really hurts sometimes, but the best thing about it is it can renew our hearts and transform our minds. The moment we stop blaming others and think of our own growth, that’s the time when we can finally apply the lessons that we learned from our failures.

To some people, not all failures are valuable. Maybe because they see it differently. But for others, they treat failures as something very important for them, simply because they know that there’s a hidden treasure behind every wrong decision in life. And that’s the kind of lesson that is so expensive that it takes time and effort to get it. They own their mistakes. But at the same time, they stop being too hard with themselves. They let the lessons change their thoughts, and they never hide it from others. They embrace failures like a friend.

Condemning yourself is different from accepting your mistakes. Do not take failures as something that is against you. It’s really hard to accept it, especially when other people are affected by your decisions, but do not hinder yourself from trying again. When you condemn yourself, it simply means that you take it as something negative. It will create fear inside your heart, and you will never appreciate the lessons. But when you learn to accept it, then you are just allowing yourself to grow and mature. You take the lessons with you, and it serves as an inspiration for you to move on no matter what lies ahead. 

God will be with you. That promise alone will give you an assurance that no matter what happens, He will always be there to help you. So do not be afraid to fail. Take a small step one at a time, and keep on walking. If you fall on the ground, God will be there to teach you how to stand again. If you wanted to learn, you need to have the courage to accept that failures will always be there.