Self Development

You Don’t have to Go Through Pain just for you to Learn

People say that experience is the best teacher, but you don’t have to go through all the pain so that you can learn. You can always listen to others and learn from their experiences. What you need is just a heart that is humble enough to listen and follow. Sometimes, God already provided us with people who will guide us in the right direction. But then, sad to say, we fail to honor their advice because we think we know what’s best for us. We choose to rely on our own understanding and forget to listen to those people who already went through the season that we are in. And because we choose our own way, God allowed us to go through pain so that we can learn. Don’t wait for something worst to happen. Maximize the lessons that other people discovered and choose to apply them in your life.

Acknowledge the word of God. Read His instructions, and you will be guided. His word will give you the kind of wisdom that is more important than the riches of this world. He will teach you how to handle your situation. So seek Him first before you listen to your own opinion. Include Him in every decision that you will make. Align your purpose to His will, and He will lead you to the right way. God will equip you as long as you put Him at the center of your life. He will give you a humble heart that’s always willing to listen and obey.

Honor the people that God sent to guide you. He destined them to come to your life to help you along the journey. You can always ask for their advice and the things that they did when they experienced what you are going through. Use the lesson that they learned to strengthen and make you grow as a person. Read good books that will inspire you to move forward and learn new things. There are so many people who are very willing to share their testimony and experiences. Choose to listen to them, and you will learn a lot of things.

Remember that you always have a choice. You don’t have to experience all the brokenness and pain just for you to change into a better person. You can choose to apply the lessons that other people learned. Their experiences can be your best teacher as well. Just ask God for a teachable heart that’s ready to acknowledge the hard truths that you need to accept.