You have Access to your Heavenly Father
The sacrifice of Jesus on the cross gives us access to God. His precious blood cleansed us from our sins so that we will be made pure in the eyes of our Heavenly Father. If Jesus is in your heart, then it simply means that you should no longer be afraid because you can always come to the arms of your Father and ask for some help. You don’t need someone else to represent you. Remember that you are a child of God, and you are free to come to His presence. Nothing else can hinder you. Know that you can always live in His kingdom. Your Father is a king, and you are His beloved. So stop treating yourself as useless. You are redeemed for a price, so live according to what God called you.
Having access to your Heavenly Father means that you can always call upon His name, and He will be there. You can use the blessings that He poured out for you so that you can glorify His name. Imagine that you are living inside His kingdom, and as a child of the King, know that you have all the access to the treasures and wonderful blessings that He prepared for His children. Treat yourself as His beloved child, and you will not find it hard to talk to Him. Learn to ask, and your loving Father will give you what you need. Seek, and you will find Him. Knock, and the door towards your bright future will be opened for you.
God can pour out favors and opportunities in your life. He can perform miracles as long as you learn to connect to Him. You will lose your access if you keep on looking at your own knowledge and strength. Focus on what Jesus did on the cross and know that behind His sacrifice is an opportunity for you to experience the love of God. Do not stop praying because God will give you favors that your mind can never comprehend. Only then will you be amazed by His power. You will realize who you truly are in His eyes.
You can always come to His presence. You don’t have to do any rituals or sacrifices. Jesus already did everything, and all you have to do is to receive His grace. When you feel so lost and empty inside, just remember the love of God and choose to lean on His shoulders. Let Him give you the comfort that you need. Come to your Father, and He will welcome you with arms wide open.