You may not Instantly figure out the Answers, but God’s peace will be there
There are days in life when you just can’t understand what’s going on. No matter how much you try to find answers, you still can’t simply comprehend the reasons why God would allow you to go through seasons that break your heart. You may not always hear His voice clearly but trust that God’s peace will give you a reason to keep going. He will comfort your heart and give you the assurance that you need. He may not come according to your expectations, but He will sustain you until you overcome the difficulties that you face. So take heart! You are not alone. Sometimes, God purposely presents you with incomprehensible situations because He wants you to grow,
Activate your faith. Maybe now is not yet the time for you to discover the answers to your questions. God still needs to prepare your heart so that you can accept the lessons that He wanted to teach you. While you go through the process, just pray for a humble heart to abide in His ways even if you can’t understand what’s going on. Remember that faith is present not when you already receive the answers but it’s there the moment you believe in His goodness and promises, even if you can’t see anything yet. Faith is when you choose to keep your hopes up despite the circumstances that you are facing. Just depend on Him, and He will move in your life.
Receive God’s peace. Open your heart, and His peace will push you to keep going. His comfort will remind you that better days are still ahead. What if God didn’t give you the explanations that you need simply because He wants you to experience what it feels like to receive His peace. It’s not something that you can receive from the people around you. Only God can give it to you. His divine love alone can make you feel whole and complete. It’s amazing because, in His presence, you will receive everything that you could’ve asked for despite all the bad things that happened. His perfect love will give you the strength to victoriously finish the race.
If you are in a middle of a very messy situation and you badly want to quit. Then remember this: God is not done with you yet. He is helping you not in ways you never expect. So trust Him and surrender in His presence. Let go of your desire to control your situation. Allow Him to move and stop analyzing everything. Let your problems lead you closer to God. Let the pain lead you to experience His peace. God is just waiting for you to believe in His promises. So go and exercise your faith.