You need to Feed your Soul with the Right Food
Try to check the thoughts that you have in mind. Are you feeding your soul with the right food? Sometimes, we just allow ourselves to stay in a place that slowly kills our souls. We remain in the darkness, where we only hear negative thoughts that hinder us from experiencing more of God. We think of the worst things and tend to forget the miracles that our loving Father did. We need to keep in mind that we are created not just to have a physical body but also to have a soul that we need to nourish. So don’t just live in this world and satisfy your flesh. Remember the important things that matter most in life. Your flesh won’t stay with you forever, but your soul will still exist.
Stop doubting yourself. You are who God says you are. Doubts are toxic food for your soul. So try to check the thoughts that you have within. Accept your weaknesses and receive God’s strength. There may be moments when you feel like you are not enough, but God didn’t create perfect human beings. We need to learn how to depend on Him. He wants us to fully trust in His goodness and love. Doubting yourself can never strengthen you. So stop looking at what’s wrong. Avoid saying hurtful words to yourself. Be kind and choose to accept your imperfections. Do not compare yourself to others because you will only end up disappointed. Look unto God and focus on the unique talents and gifts that He gave you.
Surrender to God all the negative emotions that you feel inside. Talk to Him, and don’t allow the bitterness to consume your soul. Acknowledge the truth that you are hurting, and you badly need His healing. Stop listening to the negative voices around you. God alone knows what’s going on in your heart. So trust in Him instead of listening to others who don’t even understand the wounds that you have inside. Release the anger and fears in His presence. Only then will you experience His peace. Stop carrying all the burdens on your own. Your soul will soon get weary if you will just live according to your own strength. Ask for God’s help and He will be there in the midst.
Feed your soul with the word of God. This is the best food that you can have. Meditate on His instructions. Let His promises carry you out of the darkness. Read the scripture and spend more time with Him. Fill your thoughts with His wisdom, and you will receive supernatural faith. Study His ways and the people in the bible. There, you will learn so many things about God’s faithfulness and goodness. The bible will slowly open your eyes to the things that you fail to appreciate. It will nourish and strengthen your soul in ways you can never imagine.