Love,  Relationship

You Say, “I Do” Not Just To Your Spouse But Also To God

Marriage is not an easy journey. It’s all about commitment and trust. When you say “I do” in front of your spouse, you are not only saying it to her but remember that you also promised something in front of your family, friends, and, most importantly, to God. It is a sacred covenant that you should keep in your heart no matter what happens.

For all the couple out there, remember that you can powerfully honor God through your marriage life. Love your spouse with all your heart. Know that you are already one, and nothing should break your intimate relationship apart. Let your marriage become a beautiful inspiration for your children someday. Show them how to honor their future spouse. May your love story become a beautiful reminder for your children that honoring God is what marriage is all about.

If you happen to be single or planning to get married. Remember that marriage life is a challenging journey. Your commitment will be tested, and you need to equip yourself with enough love so that you will not be burned out. While waiting, take this time to learn how to truly love others. Start with your family. Love your parents with all your heart. Treasure this moment with your siblings. Spend time with your friends.  And above all, strengthen your relationship with God because He alone will teach you how to become a committed and godly spouse.

The journey will never be easy. Every married couple will meet challenges along the way, and no one is exempted. There will be significant changes and unexpected moments. Some of them are not that strong enough to handle every struggle, that’s why they chose to quit. But then those who are committed enough will always stay and do their best to make their marriage work again. They are those who choose to trust in the Lord despite all the hardships and struggles they face.

At the end of the day, what matters most is you choose to honor God through your marriage. So always treat Him as the center of your relationship. A marriage that is founded in the love of God will never be broken. God will be the one who will protect your covenant. Make Him the ultimate source of your love so that you will never grow weary and tired. The journey will always be worth it one day. Sometimes, it’s no longer about what you feel inside, but it’s more on your commitment to God. So stay not just for the sake of your family but also for the sake of honoring God in your life.


  • rica

    Because of trials and struggles it is a sad reality that sometime the half of the couple are not strong enough and not have faith enough that they chose to quit. They chose to forget their commitment and covenant because with out God we cannot bear and make it. Then what will happen to the other half if your partner quit? Should she quit also? I pray and ask Gods mercy and grace. May He answer my questions.

    • Glenda Alexander

      Rica, the other person must not quit. Every person is responsible for their own covenant sacred vows made to God and will only be held accountable for them – not those of their spouse. Remarriage to another during lifetime of a covenant spouse is adultery and a life style of adultery will send that person to Hell according to Bible. Read all articles on, Romans 7:1-3, 1 Corinthians 7: 39, also 1 Corinthians 7: 10-11, chapter 16 in Luke and chapter 10 in Mark. See what cadz says about Matt 19 and Matt 5. Bible will never contradict itself. If it appears to , then ones’ interpretation is wrong. Bible says EVERY word of God’s Word is true- not may be true. Hold on to your love and commitment to God and spouse and you will be rewarded either in this life with a reuniting to spouse or Heaven in the next. Don’t let anyone make you miss Heaven – no matter what someone else does . Be kind. Show real love which is sacrifice. Give a spouse opportunities to reunite. Seek godly counsel because others may lead you astray and just say what you want to hear.Many people do not understand the immense importance of keeping covenant vows to God. Bible also says once ratified, a covenant can not be done away with or added to. May you always stand for what God”s Word really says about a covenant marriage. He will bless you then immemsely one way or the other.