You Still Have The Chance To Change Your Present
Today is a blessing from God. He gave it to you because you still have a purpose here on earth. And you can only fulfill God’s desires in your life if you will learn to live according to His ways. So if there is something that you need to change, then today is your chance to do it. Take every breath as an opportunity for you to change the things that don’t please the Lord. And only then will you learn to treasure every moment you have here on earth. Do not give up yet. As long as God is giving you another day to live, then it simply means that you can still do something different.
Treat your time as an opportunity for you to grow and learn. It may be costly because it takes effort and sometimes pain, but every experience you’ve been through serves a great purpose. You just have to learn how to evaluate the things happening in your life and get the important lessons out of it. And when the time is right, you will be able to apply the lessons you learned. You will not learn unless you try new things. So keep on walking and go out of your comfort zone. Discover new things about God and create a lot of memories with Him.
The fact that you are still alive for today simply means that there is still hope for tomorrow. Hold on to that hope and let it guide you to your next steps. You can still see bright things in the future. You just have to stop focusing on what you can’t control and start to work on what’s inside you. Maybe you find it difficult to do because you focus on your surroundings, but learn to set your eyes on the things that matter most in life. You can do it because God will always be there to guide you.
It only takes a decision for you to change the things that you don’t want in your life. Remember that God gave you the freedom to choose. And at the end of the day, your choices will affect your future. It’s either you will reap the harvest, or you will experience the consequences. That’s why allow God to intervene and let Him change the way you see things so that you will have enough courage to leave the past behind and begin the kind of life that is worth living.

Hi, just wanna say thank you for encouraging us the truth is i feel depressed because im sorrounded by negative thoughts and i cant get away from it, but still with your help little by little i’m encouraged i hope i can make it.
I think this is so true , but sometimes it’s hard facing change sometimes it’s hard letting go of the familar , it’s hard facing fears and changing the direction of your mind I want so much to become a better person doing better and feeling better and even on my best days I still fall short and that fustrates me a whole lot , we as people want quick fixes and we can’t seem to find happiness inspite of what’s going on around us , I want help and support on this road of life please pray my strength Amen
Joyce Reid
I am trusting