You Will Be Amazed By Who You Become While You Wait For God’s Miracle
The waiting season is one of the most incredible parts of the process wherein you will grow and become a better person. It will test your character, your faith, and above all, your patience. If you truly wait for God’s miracle with excitement, then you will see yourself growing in His presence. Because sometimes, the miracle isn’t just about the great blessings that you will receive. But it’s all about who you become while you wait. The lessons you learned along the way, the experiences you have with God, and the failures you experienced are valuable things that you can always carry with you. The journey may be tough, but being able to experience the simple miracles of God along the way is more than enough.
The process may take longer, but you will never be the same person again. God is molding you into a better person. Some people may say that waiting is just a waste of time, but it’s one of the best moments that you should experience here on earth. If you just learn to wait with God, you will value the journey more than the miracles you’ve been waiting for. You will learn to treasure His ways along the process. You will be a better person—a stronger, mature, and responsible one. Maybe you can’t appreciate it now but wait and see. God will turn your waiting journey into a wonderful testimony.
God will increase your faith. He is teaching you how to deeply trust in Him. Your relationship with Him will never be the same. So trust that everything will be okay in the end. Learn to treasure the waiting season. I know that it is hard, but pray that God will open your eyes so that you will learn to value what He has been doing for you all this time. May you see His hands moving in the midst. May you choose to believe that God is doing something great behind the scene.
One day, you will learn to thank Him not only for the things that He prepared you but for the lessons that you learned along the way. The moment you look back, you will realize that all the struggles and trials you face are worth it. You will see yourself growing, and you will feel in awe of the changes that He performed in your life, especially the changes you experienced inside.