
You will never know how Powerful the Love of God is not Until you Experience it

It’s really hard to understand His love if you have never encountered Him in your life. It takes a personal and intimate relationship for you to realize how powerful God’s love is. And it’s built through time and trials. So be patient when you encounter moments when you can’t understand what He is doing because that’s His way of introducing His heart. The words that you hear from other people are nothing if you never feel His presence. So don’t just focus on the knowledge that you will gain, but open your heart so that the Holy Spirit can touch the deepest part of your soul. And only then will you realize what it means to receive Him in your life.

Knowing God is all about having an intimate relationship with Him. It’s spending time and connecting to Him every single day. It’s about putting Him at the center and letting Him reign in everything that you do. He cares for you, and He wants to be part of your day. He wants to be involved in your career, family relationships, or even your love life. That’s how intimate He is, and it’s hard for you to understand it if you never know who He truly is. He is a good and loving God. He is just waiting for you to open up. 

Sometimes, you can only experience His great love when you feel so broken inside. When you find it hard to get up, that’s when you realize that you can’t live this life on your own. Your weaknesses and the pain that you feel will remind you that His love is all you need. So treat every difficulty as an opportunity for you to feel His presence. Let the most devastating moment of your life lead you to the kind of love that will never break your heart. Come to Him, and He will show you what life feels like when you are in His presence.

You will encounter God not just through the Bible but also through the works of the Holy Spirit. You will know Him more the moment you hear the still small voice inside your heart. He will remind you who God is, and He will speak to you every time you need some help. The Holy Spirit will guide you to the heart of God, and only then will you experience how deep and wonderful His love is. It’s something that you can’t contain nor understand, but you can absolutely feel it inside your heart.