Self Development

You Will Never Really Know where your Small Steps Would Take You

Dream big and just start small. You will feel so pressured if you keep on chasing the bigger things in life. It’s okay to have a huge goal but never underestimate the power of your small steps. You will never really know the changes that you will experience once you choose to take one step at a time. So keep on walking and don’t easily give up. Be consistent and faithful in small things, and you will slowly see changes in your life. Accept the truth that you will fail to value the big blessings if you will just receive them in an instant. Important things really take time and effort. But you can enjoy the process by giving yourself the chance to experience small victories along the journey.

Just take another step one at a time. Do not be in a hurry. Maybe you feel so tired along the journey because you tried to do things beyond your limits. You forget to rest and enjoy the process. That’s why you feel so burned out. Treasure your season because today will never come back. Time will keep on moving. You can never ask God to rewind it and change the things that you did. So while you are still in that place, choose to make the most of what you have. Make more memories. Take your journey slowly but surely. You will arrive at the place where you wanted to be. Trust in God’s perfect timing and enjoy your time with Him. 

Don’t pressure yourself too much. Yes, you have your own timeline, but acknowledge God’s ways in your life. Let Him move and choose to focus on His power. Take your time and keep growing in the Lord. Never compare your success to others. Remember that God prepared a different path for you. So instead of looking at the left or the right, learn to fix your eyes on your own journey. Cherish your moments with God. If you are tired, then you can pause for a while and take some rest. God will never stop holding your hands. He will always be there. Just remain faithful and keep following Him.

You may not see the changes yet, but be patient because you are growing from the inside. The small steps that you take will lead you to the place you never dreamed of. Do not easily give up and keep walking. You are always on the right track as long as you stay in the presence of God. One day, you will realize that He never wasted your efforts. You will see His hands moving, and you will feel in awe the moment He opened your eyes to the blessings that you are destined to receive.