Your deep roots will grow in the wilderness
God will never waste your wilderness season. You may feel in pain, lost and broken, but deep inside, your roots are growing, and they are getting stronger. Your surroundings may appear messy, but He is working in your life. He is strengthening your soul, and He is teaching you lessons that will take you to a higher level. Maybe you are asking God why you need to go through that season, but take heart because what He is doing is beyond what you can comprehend. Instead of looking for answers, trust God and let Him move in your life.
When the time is right, you will see the fruits of your pain and tears. You will reap a harvest, and it will surely bless your soul. Wait and see. Things will fall in the right place, and it will all make sense. Keep going, and do not give up. If you can’t understand what’s going on inside, just surrender it all to God and share with Him what you truly feel. He will give you peace that surpasses all understanding. His presence will provide you the comfort that you need.
You need to go through the wilderness season. It’s part of the process. It’s where you will learn life-changing lessons. It may not be an easy thing to face, especially when you feel so lonely, but it’s the moment when you will realize that you really need God in your life. You will not understand it at first, but you will find yourself clinging to His love and depending on His power. You will discover how weak you are, and you need His strength to sustain you. One day, when you look back, you will realize that the most difficult season of your life is a blessing in disguise because it’s the reason why your heart is transformed and renewed. If not because of the things that God allowed you to go through, you will never discover your true identity.
Trust that God knows what He is doing, so fix your eyes on Him. He will never allow you to go through something without a purpose. Everything that He is doing is for your own good. You will not see it for now because you are still in pain and so broken, but when you get through it, you will end up thanking Him for allowing you to experience that moment.
Remember that God is your Father, and He orchestrated you. He knows what can make you feel satisfied within. Depend on His ways and not on your own understanding. Focus on His great love and expect great things to happen. God is good. That means everything He is giving you will definitely make you grow and prosper. In Him, you will feel peace even in the midst of storms and chaos.
You need to have a strong foundation so that you will learn to handle the circumstances that you will face along the way. And that foundation will be established in moments when you go through the wilderness. So take heart. God allows you to be in that season because it’s time for you to step up and experience more of Him. He is building your roots so that you will be able to properly handle the great future that He prepared. He is strengthening you right now so that when the enemy tries to tempt you, then you will not be easily swayed. The process may not be that easy, but hold on to God and keep His promises in your heart. You will be a different person after you overcome that season.

Pamela Sereta
Well said. It is very true. In the wilderness is where we learn life changing lessons.
Honestly, I am now on one of the most difficult time of my life. This is the message that I need the most as a Blessing. Thank you very much youarepursued.com. My mental health is intensely affected by the hardships of my season and impossibilities, and I am now absolutely on the wilderness. Please Almighty God grant me the inner strengths to face all unfairness and failures in my life and make my deep roots grow in the wilderness for strong foundation and make me a different person after I overcome this season and help me improve my mental health, and please fulfill all promises that you have placed in my heart and please make a move to save me for I am in great pain, and please be my Father that cares about me in Jesus Christ name, AMEN💙💙💙.