Self Development

Your Mistakes are not your Identity

In your lifetime, you cannot avoid making mistakes. You will commit wrong decisions along the way. Some mistakes are on purpose, but some will teach you to value yourself better. Failures are a way of knowing and molding yourself to be better. Some will guide and introduce you to becoming wiser.Some are essential to self-realization and lessons that nothing and no one else can teach you. Things that you will learn from it can never be traded for anything. That is why, instead of looking at mistakes as a way of pitying yourself, treat them as a way of learning and improving yourself. 

Always remember that you are still learning, and failures are part of it. However, such experiences will teach you great values in life. It will lead you to be patient with the people that you will encounter and the decisions that you will be making. It will teach you to be gentle and kind to yourself and those around you. So, don’t label your mistakes as your flaws and lapses, but turn them into something that will help you build yourself better. Turn disappointments into opportunities and painful moments into breakthroughs. Turn your perspectives into the brighter side of things, especially those that God wants to teach you in a given season. Allow yourself to learn and move on. 

Your mistakes don’t define you, but they can be a part of who you will become. It can help you know and mold yourself better. However, you will need help to easily spot its purpose, especially if it is too hard for you to accept things. Some mistakes will make or break not just your own heart but those of others as well. You cannot realize its true meaning yet and the purpose of the experience itself. However, it does not stop there. Always remember that things that did not turn out right have a good purpose. It is for you to learn from it to avoid committing the same thing again. But not just that, it will teach you to accept it as it is. It is also about building a humble heart to accept what you have done wrong. Most significantly, it is there to remind you that no matter how countless times you commit mistakes, God’s love is always there to teach and guide you.

Your mistakes are not your identity or a basis for defining who you are. It is there to remind you that there are a lot of uncertainties in life and that there are a lot of things that are beyond your control. It is a reminder that you are imperfect, so you need God in every step of the way. His ways will guide you in learning and growing in this life. It’s fine to feel frustrated over things and to cry because of it, but also consider learning from it. Always remember, you are not your mistake. It is only a part of who you will become and a way of knowing God more in your life. So treasure what you can learn from it, and focus on the good things that God will bless you.