Your Relationship with God will greatly affect your Relationship with others
If you want to see all your relationships prosper, then there’s this very important thing that you can do. Focus on your relationship with God first, and everything else will follow. He is the author of love. He knows how to sustain you in every relationship that you have. Being with people is sometimes exhausting. Especially when you start to accept the truth that humans are imperfect and, at the same time, broken. There are times when you feel disappointed with them. There are days when you just can’t find the reason why you still need to hold on and stay in the relationship. You will be challenged to accept their imperfections. There will be days when you can’t help but cry because you can’t simply understand their perspective in life. It’s hard to be with imperfect people. It’s not easy to stay faithful inside a relationship where the two parties are both broken and still in the healing process. This is the reason why you need the perfect love of God.
God’s love is the strongest foundation of every relationship. Mere humans cannot give away love the way God does. But we can absolutely learn from His ways. If you try to observe and reflect on the way Jesus interacts with His disciples, you will realize what it means to truly connect to someone. Jesus chose to wash their feet as an act of service to them. It reminds them to be humble and genuinely care for others regardless of their status in life.
Moreover, the greatest act of love that humanity ever experienced is when Jesus chose to sacrifice His life for the sake of the people that He loved. He was mistreated, accused, judged, mocked, and physically tortured by people, but still, He chose to offer His precious life as a living sacrifice for our sins. That love alone is bigger than our own imperfections. And it serves as our great reminder to extend grace and love to those who are broken and in pain. Jesus simply showed us what it means to truly love, forgive, and accept others.
Let God teach you how to care for the people you love. Open your heart and allow His love to come in. Only then will you realize how blessed and treasured you are. Let Him heal the wounds in your heart first so that you will receive the courage to genuinely accept others without expecting anything in return. Humbly seek His wisdom and let His presence lead you to forgive others. God will teach you how to serve the people that He entrusted. If you just put Him first, then you will surely see others the way God sees them. He will take away your doubts and fears. And that’s when you will be pushed to give yourself away despite the uncertainties that you feel. God’s promise and assurance will give you the strength to keep loving others. You just need to grow in His presence first so that He can give you the instructions that you need.
Let your relationship with God grow, and only then will you experience fulfilling moments with others. Talk to Him first, and He will open your eyes to the things that you fail to appreciate. He will give you the grace to accept the imperfections of other people. The more you know Him, the more you will discover the blessings behind every relationship that you have. He will give you a heart that’s willing to make happy sacrifices for your loved ones. He will lead you to do things you’ve never done before. He will empower you to love without limits. The moment you treat Him as the source of your love, that’s the time when you will also be inspired to share His love with others.