Your Soul Is More Important Than The Wealth Of This World
You can never bring with you the things that you acquired here on earth when you die. Your body and wealth will fade away, but your soul will stay forever. That’s why you need to remember that it’s more important than you think. Never neglect it because, just like your body, your soul also needs food and nutrients. This is the reason why we need God in our lives. Because He alone can sustain our souls. He alone can save us from the fires of hell. God can restore us from brokenness. His love will purify our souls. And through what Jesus did on the cross, we are given a chance to experience eternal life and peace.
So before it’s too late, nourish your soul just like how you take good care of your body. Treat the word of God as the most important food that your soul ever needs. Read the bible every day and open your heart so that the Holy Spirit can minister to you. Expose yourself to God’s ways and keep His promises. Fill your thoughts with a heavenly perspective, and never allow the negative things of this world to consume your mind. Make God your first priority, and He will be the one to fill your soul with enough strength and faith. Let your time here on earth be consumed with doing things that will bring glory to God. Never allow the temporary things of this world to hinder you from prioritizing what truly matters most in life.
Focus on your relationship with God. The entertainment of this world can never satisfy your heart. God alone can heal the scars inside. And the wealth of this world is nothing if deep within, your soul is dying. Because at the end of the day, your money and worldly success can never save your soul. Only Jesus can make you whole again. He alone can satisfy the deepest longing in your heart. So come to Him and treat Him as the God of your life. Your soul needs His grace and love.
Pray and connect to God every day. Remember Him in everything that you do. Do not be too occupied with so many problems in life that you tend to forget who God is. Never trade your soul with things that will destroy you in the end. You are so important in the eyes of God. You may experience pain in this life, but your soul will rejoice with singing one day because you will experience eternity in Heaven. And that will only happen if you will surrender your soul to your one and only Savior. His name is Jesus, and He is just waiting for you to accept His love.

Strength and guidance for myself and family. To search for a good job and good employer to will value and take care of their employees.
Blessings for my family. Jesus hear and grant my prayers. To God be the Glory!! 🙏🙏🙏🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌
Thank you God for looking after me