Self Development

Your Weaknesses will lead you to depend on God’s love and power

There are great blessings behind your weaknesses. They may feel uncomfortable, but growth happens when you choose to rely on God’s love and power. When you feel so weak, there are moments when you can’t help but blame yourself. You think that it’s your fault and there’s nothing that you can do about it. But the truth is, you are not alone. Every human being in this world is not perfect. We all have weaknesses that we need to face. And it’s not easy to do it. But through God’s grace, we will be able to overcome them.

Do not look at your weaknesses as a hindrance to your dreams in life. They will lead you to trust and depend on God’s love. They will teach you how to humbly accept His will and stop following your own desires. Your weaknesses will help you discover what it means to receive God’s strength. So don’t be discouraged. Instead, boast about things you can’t do because that’s where miracles start to grow.

Allow yourself to feel weak. It’s a perfect reminder that there are things in life that you can’t complete on your own. That means you shouldn’t rely on your efforts. Instead, you need to ask for God’s help. The beauty behind your limitations is that you can’t take the glory and honor on your own. It keeps you from boasting in your own strength. It gives you the opportunity to increase your faith in the Lord. It’s not really a negative thing after all because, without your imperfections, you will never learn to rely on God’s ways.

Just take note that being imperfect and committing sins are two different things. As children of God, we are highly encouraged to live a holy and righteous life before Him. Imperfections and limitations only come when you see yourself as someone who is incapable of doing the works of God. When you recognize that your own skills and knowledge are so limited, that’s when you’ll learn to rely on His wisdom.

You will fail to appreciate God’s power if you keep on depending on your own strength. You won’t recognize His voice and ways. There’s a tendency that you’ll learn to exalt your name. Instead of glorifying the Father, you will treat yourself as god, and you’ll stop respecting Him. That’s why your weaknesses are perfect reminder for you to stay humble in the presence of God. I will lead you to intentionally pray for His help.

The more you embrace your imperfections, the more you find yourself thirsty for His love and grace. It’s a wonderful experience that takes away your pride and ego. It keeps you from falling. When you remind yourself that there are so many things that you need to learn, it will help motivate you to listen to God. Your limitations will lead you to trust Him even more.

Your Heavenly Father is drawing you closer to His heart. Most of the time, He will give you a very big desire or calling, and you will find yourself so incapable of fulfilling the purpose He gave. And when that moment comes, it means that God will move in your life. He won’t give you a calling that you can fulfill just by your own strength. He wants you to depend on Him. So when you feel so weak and unworthy of what He gave, then it’s a perfect time for you to let Him move in your life. Treat your weaknesses as a gift that leads you closer to the heart of God. 

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