Self Development
What other People think of you is no Longer your Problem
The opinion of others can never define you if you don’t allow them. Focus on God and listen to His voice. He alone knows who you truly are. Remember that you can never control what other people are thinking. Their words can never harm you as long as you choose to believe in your identity in the Lord. You are His child, His precious treasure. You are not trash. You are redeemed for a price that you can never pay. That’s how valuable and important you are. Keep that in mind. No one else could ever destroy you. Lift them up to God and let Him lead you to the…
Maybe what you need is Rest
If you don’t know what to do, if you are so confused about the next step that you must take, then maybe what you need is rest. Your mind can’t properly think of solutions if it’s too occupied with so many things. You need to take a break and give yourself the chance to just feel the air that you breathe. Pause for a while and do anything that will refresh your soul. Keep yourself away from stress and a toxic environment. Give yourself enough time to relax. Regain your strength, and when your mind and body are ready, they will function properly. Your efforts will be limited if you…
The Real Brave People are those who choose to face their Deepest Wounds
No one really knows the battle that you’ve been fighting inside. People may see the things that you do, but they don’t really know the deepest wounds that you’ve been carrying all this time. God knows that your heart is breaking. He sees what’s going on inside, and He wants to help you. Remember that the real brave people are not those who carry weapons or boldly express their opinions. But they are those who silently face the wounds in their hearts. They choose to acknowledge the painful memories that happened in the past, and they mustered the courage to go through the healing process. They know that they can’t…
Don’t give Anyone the Responsibility to make you Happy
It’s not anybody’s job to make you happy. It’s your responsibility. So stop expecting other people to take away the loneliness in your heart. You are powerful enough to take charge of your own emotions. Happiness is a choice that you need to make every single day. It depends on how you see things and the situations around you. It’s not about what people did to you, but it’s how you see their actions that make you feel glad. You will be disappointed if you let somebody dictate your joy because nobody can do it but you. It’s like you are hiring a person with a job that is impossible…
Making things Right is a Good Start
Mistakes are part of life, but it’s not the end of everything. Just because you fail doesn’t mean you no longer have a chance to change. You can still do something as long you are still breathing. Do the next right thing, and God will be there to help you. Sometimes, doing what’s right is very difficult, especially when you already have so many fears inside. But you need to remember that unless you do it, you will not find rest and peace. So even if it’s not easy, you need to take another step towards the transformation that you wanted to happen. Remember that you will not instantly experience…
You start to Die the Moment you feel Worthless
Death is not just about physical, but you can also experience it the moment you feel so useless. Your soul will die every time you think that you are worthless. One way to keep moving is to remember the reasons why you are here. Your foundation needs to be stronger than the storms that you face in life. Put God at the center, and you will not be shaken. Know who you are in His eyes, and you will receive the courage you need. In Him, you will discover your purpose. So stay in His presence, and He will never make you feel like you are nothing. Stop listening to…
When you are no Longer Surrounded by People who used to Support you
The support and encouragement we receive from the community around us are very helpful. They remind us that life may be difficult, but we need to keep going because there are still people who believe in us. But if you are no longer surrounded by those people, then maybe God is teaching you how to depend on Him and not on others. When it seems like you are alone, you need to remember that He never leaves your side. He wants you to trust in Him and stop relying on what other people can do to you. There’s nothing wrong with joining a community or group of people who have…
Some things in Life will not end Happily
We can’t predict what will happen in the future. And there will be days that we badly want to escape because they are sad endings that break our hearts. But despite the pain, we need to accept the truth that everything around us will change and what we can do is to move forward. You need to keep walking because God is always there to guide and lead you. The pain that you experience will not stay with you forever. Things will be better, and when the time is right, God will teach you how to surrender the things you can’t control. In Him, you will have the courage to…
Wisdom Starts when you Respect and obey God
God’s wisdom is something that you can’t easily comprehend, but it starts when you respect and obey Him. Some would think that you will know more about wisdom when you study and read the scriptures. Yes, you can do it. But it starts to manifest in your life when you acknowledge its source and apply His words. You will learn to appreciate what it truly means when you grow closer to God and know Him more. It’s not something that is freely given to you. God’s wisdom flows on people who know what respecting and obeying Him truly means. It’s not just about going to church or doing religious activities,…
You are Surrounded by Unseen Resources that are Valuable than the Riches of this World
You are a very rich person not because of the earthly treasures that you have but because of the unseen resources around you. If you just open the eyes of your heart, you will realize that you are surrounded by very priceless treasures, and it’s your time, your strength, and the ability to focus on things. These are the things that people tend to waste, not knowing that they can never take it back when they grow older. So while you still have enough of these unseen resources, pray that God will teach you how to properly steward them. Allow Him to reveal to you its importance and real value.…