Self Development
May you Realize that Your Value is not Based on What you Do
You are who you are not because of the things that you do for others. You are important not because of your ability and strength. God accepts you not because you choose to serve Him. He loves you even before you know Him, even before you are born here on earth, even before you learned to praise and worship His name. You are so valuable not because you tried so hard just to gain everybody’s approval. You are accepted even before you do anything. So stop trying to do your best just to know your worth. Do not look at yourself according to your accomplishments. You deserve love simply because…
Embrace the Beauty of New Beginnings
Behind every goodbye is the chance to experience a new beginning. It may be so hard at first, and the pain of letting go may seem so impossible to face, but there is certain beauty behind the unexpected transitions in your life. You may not know what lies ahead, but what’s important is you choose to keep walking. When the time is right, God will reveal to you the reasons why you need to say goodbye to certain people or opportunities. And you will end up thanking Him for everything that He is doing behind the scene. You may not understand your situation right now, but the courage you have…
Choosing Happiness is the Best Response to your Enemies
Revenge can never give you peace. You may think that it can make you feel so satisfied, but the truth is, it will only make things worse. So instead of putting your enemies down, try to lift yourself up and choose to be happy. That’s the best response you can do against all the painful things they did to you. It means that you are showing to them that they are not that important, and your happiness can never be taken away just because of the negative things that they did. Facing them may be painful at first, but you will overcome everything as long as you choose to find…
We all have Thorns that other People needs to Accept and Acknowledge
Humans are not perfect. One way or another, we all have the tendency to unknowingly hurt other people, especially those who love us. We live in a broken world. At some point, we will go through difficult seasons in life. So be patient, especially in moments when you can’t understand yourself. Deal with the wounds inside, and know that your healing takes time. If you happen to unintentionally hurt other people, then please stop condemning yourself. Choose to ask forgiveness and embrace the grace of God. Acknowledge the truth that you are also growing. And that means you will still commit so many mistakes along the way. Be humble and…
Move forward and Stop feeling So Sorry about what happened in the past
Yes, it’s not easy. It’s easier said than done. But this is the only way for you to live a fulfilled life. You need to learn how to let go, and sometimes it means that you must decide to forgive yourself and the people who caused you pain. Maybe, you feel so sorry for what happened. You carry so many regrets for such a long time, but unless you surrender them to the Lord, you will find it hard to enjoy your life. Accept the truth that what happened in the past will never change. And there’s nothing that you can do about it. It’s time for you to keep…
Let your Peace be so Expensive that Nobody else can Steal it
You have the freedom to make your own choices. Know that people can’t disturb you as long as you know how to manage your emotions and the things that are happening around you. Remember that the peace of God is always available, and all you need to do is receive it and learn to make boundaries. Let the peace you have inside be so expensive that other people can’t easily steal it. Treasure it more than the riches that you acquire here on earth. Remember that it is something that you can’t buy from others. It’s expensive than you think. So don’t allow other people’s behavior to destroy your precious…
Sometimes, you need to Learn how to Love Toxic People from afar
Save yourself first so that you will be able to fully serve others. If you are surrounded by toxic people, then keep in mind that you can make your own choices. Sometimes, you need to learn how to love them from afar. It won’t be easy at first. But you need some space where you can find rest and regain some strength. Do it not just for yourself but also for those who deserve to receive your love and attention. Difficult people are like a sponge that can easily absorb all your energy. So be in a group that will help you grow and give you the courage to keep…
Take the Time you need and Regain your Strength
Stop pressuring yourself. Go, find some rest and take the time you need. Do the things that you love and regain your strength. Life will never stop giving you challenges, and what you need to do is find time to recharge and build your foundation inside. Do not be too focused on the things that you want to happen. You need to take a break. Do it not just for yourself but also for those people who love you. Save yourself from stress. Look for things that will make you feel relaxed and relieved. Feed your soul. Nourish your heart. Think of positive thoughts. Remember that your physical health will…
What’s important is you are Trying to Become a Better Version of Yourself
Know that you are growing. You may not see the big changes in your life yet, but what’s important is you are trying your best to become a better person. Focus on the lessons that you learned along the journey and treat every failure as an opportunity for you to discover more of your potentials. Do not listen to the strange voice that says, “you are not good enough.” Remind yourself about your true identity in the Lord and keep walking. Do what’s right in the eyes of God, and you will always be guided. Sometimes, you will fail to value the journey because you are too focused on negative…
Reward yourself for the Hard Work that you Exerted
It doesn’t matter what the outcome is. Choose to reward yourself for all the hard work that you exerted. Sometimes, life will not favor you. But even though you will experience failures, the great thing is that you did your best and keep on growing. So, don’t be too upset if you think that you didn’t reach your goals or expectations in life. What’s important is that you become a better person every time you exert some effort to get things that you deeply desire. Focus on your growth and not just on your goal. Appreciate the process and not just the outcome of your actions. At the end of…