Day 131 – Psalm 86:13
For great is your love toward me; you have delivered me from the depths, from the realm of the dead.
PsalM 86:13, NIV
I can never fathom your love, Lord. You accepted me for who I am. You reminded me of my identity even in moments when I forgot to glorify your name. I may fail you, but your help is always ready every time I need a deliverer. You rescued me from my painful past. You give me the light I need. I may walk through the darkness, but still, your hands never stopped holding me. You stayed faithful even when I committed mistakes. You keep my heart beating even when I forget your love. Great is your name, Lord. You deserve all the glory and praise.
May I never forget that this kind of love exists. May you always align my heart to your will. May you give me the faith that I need so that when I face the hardest season of my life, I will always remember your amazing grace.