Day 177 – Psalm 119:114
You are my refuge and my shield; I have put my hope in your word.
Psalm 119:114,NIV
Treat God as the only One who can protect you. Do not put your trust in things that will just fade in the end. Find refuge in His arms and not on imperfect humans. Depend on His power and stop relying on your own understanding. He is your shield, and He can save you from the works of the enemy. Put your hope in His word and believe in His promises. Know that God is faithful. If He was able to perform miracles before, then He will also do it in your life. Receive His blessings and imagine that you already have everything that you prayed for. Let His word guide you to the right path. Hold on to Him, and you will be protected.
May you put your hope in God and treat Him as your refuge.