His Word

Day 235 – Romans 4:13

 It was not through the law that Abraham and his offspring received the promise that he would be heir of the world, but through the righteousness that comes by faith. 

Romans 4:13, NIV

Abraham received God’s promise because of His faith. It was not through the law. He knows that God will fulfill His promises, and Abraham never doubted His power. This is a great reminder for us to keep our faith in God. We need to set our eyes in Him and never allow the circumstances around us to doubt His promises. Choose to believe in things that you can’t see yet. God is faithful, and He is true to His words. Never allow the lies of the enemy to consume your mind. Remember that God can do all things, so let your faith be greater than the fears you feel inside. Open your heart for His love, and He will take away the fears you feel inside.

I pray that you will choose to increase your faith and believe in God’s promises. 

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