Self Development

For you to grow personally, do not go back to what God saved you from

Meditate and convince yourself not to plant what has been uprooted already. God save you from things that aren’t good for you, something that would lead you to situations that might hurt you more. He already planned things well for you. He wants you to realize the lessons that you can cultivate inside your heart. He wants you to recognize that you deserve good in things. He loves you more than you can fathom.

It is hard to let go of things that have already made us happy and comfortable. It is difficult for us to cut some things, events, and even people in our lives that drove us to who we are today. But sometimes, God would give us a choice to let go of things for His promises to be fulfilled. There are times that He wants us to realize that we deserve bigger things than what we currently have. It is pretty mysterious, but only God knows what’s ahead.

Sometimes, growth never felt so comfortable. Change never felt so enticing. When we pray for a change of heart, for example, God doesn’t right away wash you with a changed nature; instead, He would use things around you. Sometimes, a change of heart would require you to leave some things, people, or habits. God wants us to cut things because they no longer help us. When they already serve their purpose in you, God might possibly take them away. New things will be given to you in exchange for what you will lose.

Your cup may seem empty, but God will always fill it up. You might lose things, but God will give you something else. You might get lost, but He will always help you find your way back. There is no such thing as too late or too early when it comes to God’s perfect timing. He makes things happen accordingly. That is why trust in Him with all your heart. Believe and have faith that He will fill your life with joy. Let Him take the wheel.

You deserve good things, and that is what God wants you to feel. He does not want to punish you, but He wants to save you from the grave you are in. He is the greatest of all. Everything that surrounds you is what He prepared for you – even things you overlook that helped you live every day. His creation is hugging you every moment and second of the day. The simplest things in this life are sometimes the most vital ones that help us go on. So take a look and feel the things around you, and let them make you realize that there are many things to be thankful for amidst the chaos you are in.

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